Articles : 3 éléments à vérifier avant de sortir.
Beaucoup d'articles ne sont pas au bon format pour être relayés sur les réseaux sociaux, en particulier Twitter. Or il suffit de vérifie
Content Marketer
Experience of strategic and operational Marketing, mainly acquired in B2B technologies (Microsoft, EIT Digital), to design useful and relevant Content Marketing campaigns.
Brand Marketer
Expertise in Brand Strategy acquired in large Communications agencies (Havas, Publicis, DDB, Ogilvy, JWT). Founder of PlanningStrat-Station and teacher in Communications schools.
PlanningStrat-Station provides
solutions, tools and advice to help Marketing and Communications teams, in companies and startups, to optimize their Content Marketing with a strong brand strategy.
PlanningStrat-Station is based in Paris, France. For the moment being, we deliver services in French only but we are happy to publish content in English for all whenever we can.